Meet The Team
To reach out to one of our pastors or staff members, contact office@mycefc.org.

Lead Pastor
Jeff Belcher
Jeff was raised in rural Alabama in a dedicated Christian home. He came to faith at 17 years old and immediately had a hunger for understanding Scripture. He started multiple Bible studies with friends where he taught what he was learning. Additionally, he had a passion for evangelism, and began sharing the gospel at various places around their city. While in college, he started leading worship at his church and at various campus ministries where he experienced a call to vocational ministry. For the next 17 years, Jeff led worship, both in the local church and on the road, until he and Kelly, his bride, felt called to plant churches in Baltimore. God called his family into "something impossible" there in Baltimore, but Jeff's passion has always been the same: to share the gospel with anyone who will listen and to help people grow in their devotion to Jesus. God has been kind in allowing Jeff to see significant fruit throughout his ministry. In the Spring of 2024, God called his family to Christ EFC, and Jeff is as passionate as ever about seeing God's truth transform lives. Kelly is his biggest supporter and continuously serves alongside him. Further, their 6 kids love Jesus, the church, and music, and it's been a joy to see them grow in expressing their gifts.

Associate Pastor
Pete Bond
Pete's main role is leading and guiding the ministry staff but, as a small team, he wears many hats! Some of his responsibilities also include leading & encouraging small group leaders, giving messages from the main stage, walking the team through weekly staff meetings, providing leadership to volunteer staff over guest services, vision casting, dreaming, lying awake at night mulling over the potential of CEFC, and all the other duties that come across his desk. Pete's passion is truly to help people walk closer with Jesus. So much of his life he thought that meant to live by a certain set of rules and he didn't realize how life-less his faith was for such a long time. He actually believed that he could make mistakes that would convince God that he wasn't worth His time, and that He shouldn't love him. As Pete has come in contact with His Grace, and grown in what it means to follow Jesus, he has become more and more passionate about people knowing our God who loves them no matter the baggage we've carried through life! Pete volunteered in our student ministry when he was 18 and came on staff as a 21-year-old graduate of Lancaster Bible College, remaining here until God shifted his life to a small church in Ohio when he was 30. He has been back at CEFC for 4.5 years bringing his grand total of years on staff to 13.5. He really likes spicy food and usually puts hot sauce on everything! He hasn't found a spicy food he can't eat! If you'd like to present him with one...challenge accepted! The bottom line is Pastor Pete loves this church and its people and he's excited for the future and the difference we can make in our surrounding communities!

Pastor of Care & Counseling
Greg Larsh
Greg is the father of three daughters and grandfather to two ridiculously amazing granddaughters. Greg was married for forty-five wonderful years to Esterina Francesca Giorgio. Greg finds great joy spending gobs of time with his family, two Shih Tzu, and many life-long friendships. For fun and relaxation Greg bikes – indoors and out – and attempts to hit targets at The 911 Armory. Greg has been serving in pastoral care, counseling, and chaplaincy ministry for almost four decades. He has served as pastor of care and counseling at the Evangelical Free Church of Hershey and as chaplain, counselor, coach and relationship mediator for the faculty and staff at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the Penn State University College of Medicine. Greg finds great joy and satisfaction in caring and comforting and offering hope to patients, their families and those within or outside our community of faith. Greg’s spiritual motivations are encouraging and exhortation. His sense of calling and inspiration is found in II Corinthians 1:3, 4, 6: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. . . .If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer.
Children's Ministry Director
Sue Didden
Sue's passion is giving children a Biblical, gospel-focused foundation so they can love God and serve Him with their lives. Sue loves to garden, read and spend time with her children and grandchildren. Her family has called CEFC home for over 20 years. Our church has helped their children to build their faith and now it's helping their grandchildren to do the same thing. Sue can usually be found working behind the scenes and in the Adventure Kids building on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Worship Arts Director
Rebekah Zepp
Rebekah is one of 11 children and considers herself an old soul. She grew up in a Christian family and learned all the things that “Christians do”. As she got older she realized she had to make a decision to follow the Lord and grow her faith for herself and not because it was expected of her by her family and friends at the time. Since then she has been seeking the Lord for direction in her life, trying to do the next right thing, not to earn Gods love, but out of gratitude for the great gift of salvation that was given to her, and offered to all, through Jesus Christ. Her Husband Austin, is her biggest supporter and she is so thankful to him for his willingness to serve alongside her as head of the Production Team. Together they have two precious girls and trust that CEFC is a great place where they can grow in faith and love for the Lord as they get older. She loves to bake and decorate cakes when she has the time. Rebekah’s love for singing started at the young age of 5 and she starting singing in church and in front of other crowds when she was 8 years old. Her first time stepping into leading worship was in 2017 when she and Austin became part of a church plant. It was rough at first but as she started to understand the importance of shifting people’s focus to God and away from herself, and experienced the presence of God through worship she began to grow in confidence, not in herself, but in God. Trusting that if this was the direction she was supposed to take in her life, he would give her the words to speak, and the means to lead a team and congregation in true worship of Him. Fast forward to now, She is so grateful and humbled by the opportunity here at CEFC to share her gifts to bring others into a space of whole hearted worship and praise to our amazing God. Her hope is that through worship, people’s lives would be touched by the Holy Spirit, and feel the nudge to seek and grow a true relationship with God. To Him be the glory! Ephesians 5:19 - 20 Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord, Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Elders
Sam Yoder
Bill Myers
Byron Rice
Ryan Keeler
Dave Kauffman